Friday, February 12, 2010

Beauty Myths Every Women Should Know
Here are some common myths and what I found out about each.

Myth: Preparation H Reduces Eye Puffiness

Yeah okay. No. In fact, using Preparation H around the eyes can cause dry and inflamed skin. Therefore, you’ll just end up with dry, inflamed, greasy eyes. You’re better off just saving it for your nether region.

Myth: Your Skin Pores Open and Close
A pore is not a door or window—they can not open and close. However, if something is built up in the pore (ie. dead skin cells) the pores can appear enlarged. Go ahead and exfoliate in order to remove that gunk stuff.

Myth: Cucumber Reduces Eye Puffiness
The cucumber itself does not reduce puffiness. But consider this, have you ever heard of someone being referred to as hot as a cucumber? No, it’s cool as a cucumber. Cucumbers are able to stay cold for long periods of time outside of a refrigerator. That cold is what actually reduces puffiness (it causes blood vessels around our eyes to contract, thereby reducing swelling). That being said, you could lay a dirty sock over your eyes and it could help. As long as it is cold.

Myth: Soap Is Bad for Your Skin

When soaps contained lye and animal fat, this was true. But newer soaps are less harsh and have good stuff like moisturizers.

Myth: Vaseline on Your Face Every Night Will Prevent Wrinkles?
Petroleum can make wrinkles less apparent by softening lines, but it can’t prevent aging.

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